Monday, January 30, 2006

Baaaaaaaad Blogger....

I'm such a bad blogger, I never even wished anybody a Merry Christmas on this page! So, here is Roisin Dubh in her Christmas outfit, looking very much like one of George Booth's cartoon dogs. (He still does GREAT dog cartoons for The New Yorker magazine.) The antlers and jingle bell collar and cuffs came from Christmas Tree Shops, while the lovely bandana was made by our friend Kat, who is also a Corgi owner and was my pups' Secret Santa this past year.

A knitting highlight from this past Fall, which I've been meaning to post for an age, is my Wool Peddler's Shawl from Cheryl Oberle's lovely book, Folk Shawls. I dyed the yarn myself, and was surprised and delighted when it turned out it would match the pretty orange rayon dress I treated myself to in Maine.

The yarn, believe it or not, was originally a very vivid, eye-popping yellow. I crammed a bunch of skeins into a kettle with a color called "Mahogany," and out came this fabulous variegated stuff with nary a hint of its former color. There's more of the yellow yarn waiting for the kettle than I want to admit, and I haven't been able to do so much dyeing since
winter hit. I'm eagerly awaiting Spring, so I can turn on the outdoor spigots and crank up the heat on the propane stove again.

Below is a close-up. A little dark, but at least some of the stitch detail is visible. And to the right...well, that's me and Mr. Finnegan. He's such a cuddly boy, and come to think of it...yeah, it's past my bedtime!


Blogger Unknown said...

That shawl is gorgeous. So are the dogs. Love Pems-very handsome faces.

1:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You can set your blog so that spam stuff doesn't get left. Look under 'settings'.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

to naswer your question, yse I am on Etsy but no garments there. They didn't sell...

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it's my turn to comment back. :)

I love that shawl and the color is great. I've only gone into the world of dying once. I ended up dying the same yarn twice to get a color I liked.

I see you have dogs, too. They are very sweet things.

I was born in Cambridge, MA, so we are probably alike in many ways.

3:57 AM  

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